
Brianna on the Issues

Brianna Timbro is running for State Representative for the town of Wethersfield.  As an educator, realtor and mother of three, she is in touch with the needs of  the community.  She is a firm believer in elected officials being an authentic representation of the people they speak for and that her common sense, balanced approach to the issues is exactly what is needed for Wethersfield to thrive.

Brianna Timbro is a stakeholder in this community and is ready to truly fight for and be a voice for the real issues that affect the daily lives of individuals and families that consider Wethersfield their home.

Crime: Public safety should never be a “party” issue. Current legislation allows for little to no consequences for criminals when crimes are committed.  Legislators need to come together and reform the state’s current policies.  It is possible to create balanced legislation that allows the police and judicial system to do their jobs and hold offenders accountable while also empowering and supporting programs that will equip individuals to learn from their mistakes and have a chance to live in and contribute to society in a positive way.

Where does my opponent stand on this issue?

They are anti-safety, anti-consequences:

–       Publicly in favor of the Police Accountability Bill

–       Introduced legislation that sought to have criminals write apology letters to their victims as a consequence for their actions

–       In favor of scrubbing criminal records for felony offenses

–       Had the opportunity to address the crime wave with a bi-partisan special session and declined

Taxes:  Connecticut residents have been exploited for years with tax increases, as well as new tax burdens.  With inflation rising for basic goods and services, this issue cannot be ignored.  Hard working individuals, families and businesses are struggling because Connecticut’s state government continues to nickel and dime them every opportunity they can.  From groceries and gas to cars, property and more, Connecticut residents need legislators who are willing to advocate for passing honestly balanced state budgets and legislation that will encourage the state’s economic growth while controlling state spending instead of asking the middle class for more.

Where does her opponent stand on this issue?

They have raised your taxes and cost of living:

–       Voted for tax increases, including the gas tax in the height of the pandemic

–       CBIA (Connecticut Business & Industry Association) gave her a 43% rating for her legislative performance

Representation:  Wethersfield needs a representative who is in touch with the struggles of working families and those on a fixed income.  We need to get back to focusing on issues that matter and working tirelessly to bring positive change for our community.

Where does her opponent stand on this issue?

She is not giving Wethersfield a voice in Hartford. The duration of her term has included releasing her responsibility of representing the people to her superiors. As a result of this, livelihoods were threatened or taken away, parental rights were non-existent and individual rights were at the behest of the Governor Lamont’s policies, not our elected State Representatives.

–       Voted to extend Lamont’s emergency powers 6 times, including the latest vote to extend to June 30th, 2022

–       Overwhelmingly votes along party lines

Healthcare:  Ensuring quality, affordable health care is a top priority.  For too long the cost of healthcare has steadily increased, especially for middle and working-class families across the state.  It’s time to lower the cost of healthcare, ensure prescription drugs are affordable as well as enhance transparency with the health plans offered by the state.  All of this can be possible, and without increasing taxes, by leveraging federal dollars to bring down the cost of insurance premiums, addressing anti-consumer practices that hike up prescription drug costs and require audits for the current health plans offered by the state in conjunction with increased transparency through data collection and access.

Education:  As a mother of three young children, I’ve seen that in politics, having the children’s best interests at the forefront is rare.  Connecticut’s failed policies have resulted in a mental health crisis, failed online curriculums, low test scores and damaging restrictions on most aspects of kids’ lives.  The imbalance of power needs to change immediately. We need to improve and emphasize the importance of collaboration between the state Board of Education, local teachers, administrators and school boards to set the standard for decision making, as well as providing more assistance for schools with mental crisis intervention services.